
Showing posts from June, 2020

Unbrick or Recover Xiaomi Redmi 10A and other MTK devices

Case: Your Redmi 10A (probably other MTK devices too) is not turning on and doesn't react to any button pressed nor cable connection. Requisites:   Dead phone USB Cable  You tried tons of tutorials to unbrick the phone and didn't work This image Willingness to even use Linux to fix it (it's not hard) Steps: Create a bootable USB using the image downloaded. Make sure your computer allows booting from USB. Boot the computer from the bootable USB. When booting, a list of options will be shown. Pick the first one: Boot Live system. Once the system is loaded, go to the right-upper corner to connect to Wi-Fi. Once you have internet, use the Firefox browser (click on the icon in the left-upper corner) and download the Linux version of this tool (SP Flash) and save it in the desktop. Unzip the tool downloaded. Download the fastboot version of the stock ROM . Unzip the ROM, to have the folder and files. Click on 'MTK' icon that is in the desktop. In the command line opene

Create Simple Countdown Timer for Debian with Xfce

Case: You use Debian with Xfce Desktop Environment, you need a simple countdown timer and no package convinces you. Requisites: Packages libnotify and pulseaudio are installed. Steps: Open a text editor and copy this code: #!/bin/bash hour=$1 min=$2 sec=$3 while [ $hour -ge 0 ]; do          while [ $min -ge 0 ]; do                  while [ $sec -ge 0 ]; do                          echo -ne "$hour:$min:$sec\r"                          let "sec=sec-1"                          sleep 1                  done                  sec=59                  let "min=min-1"          done          min=59          let "hour=hour-1" done notify-send --urgency CRITICAL "Countdown is over!" paplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/alarm-clock-elapsed.oga Customize the message by editing "Countdown is over!" (don't remove the " ) and the sound by changing the audio file path ( /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/alarm-clock-